Well I finally got around to finishing up the first music video I plan to release from Sleep Deprivation. I hope you all have played the shit out of this album. The album has been selling really good, we are now officially SOLD OUT of the package deals. We still have the album up for sell in the KARDIAC Store. So, if you haven’t got a chance to purchase it, go pickup a copy for $6.00 USD now atWWW.KARDIACSTORE.COM
Anyways, about this video. I know I made a little announcement on myGoogle +page and through my Mailing List that I was going to release the teaser for ”IT’S HARD TO KEEP A SECRET.” If you bought the Sleep Dep album then you should know which song that is. I think I’m gonna just skip the teaser and hit you all with the official music video. Sleep Deprivation dropped a few months ago and I should have released this video then. I’ve been kind of sidetracked as of late. I had to deal with some personal family things, and I just got my hands on some new production equipment, so I’ve been producing a lot of shit as of late. I know there’s a group of you out there that buy beats from me, I promise to have some new shit up soon for all of you. As for the official music video toIT’S HARD TO KEEP A SECRET, I plan on releasing it sometime next week. This is my very first professional music video sinceTHE NEST, and this time I had my hands in the making of this video. I just want to make sure it’s the best it can be before I release it. I’m sure you all can understand that, so stay awake and until then,BUY THE SLEEP DEPRIVATION ALBUM NOW IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY! IT’S ONLY $6.00 USD!