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Well I hate that it has come to this, but once again my music has made a frighting impression on a potential business affiliate. This came as a shock to me as they were also horror gerne related. My manager and I were recently in contact with a horror attraction warehouse to film my next music video, Thee initial agreement was confirmed in mid October. We had setup a meeting and did a walk through of the building in the beginning of November. In the process of this meeting we had discussed the brutal nature intended for the music video and gave a detailed description of the song which has yet to be released. Also we gave them full access to all “Kardiac Music” related websites and kept nothing hidden from them since the very first time we were in contact. After numerous confirmation the filming date was set for December 8th. So I recently went out and purchased a couple hundred dollar’s worth of high definition filming equipment.  Plans and story line were already drawn out for the video idea we were set to GO!


Hey April, okay, some bad news. I did finally get around to checking out the video.. not sure what to make of it. I also found another video ( which was way more disturbing, not to mention full of copyright issues. Okay look, I like you guys, I just didn’t know what I was getting myself into until I watched this stuff. This is some seriously dark shit, and honestly it just feels like bad energy to me. I don’t really want to connect myself or the haunt to this kind of stuff. I especially don’t see the need to use actual autopsy footage.

I have been in the horror business for a few years and have loved horror movies my whole life, but there is a very big difference between real and fake to me. But I don’t really base my haunted house off of “shock value” as much as I focus on entertainment. I think you are very talented, but the visuals and the lyrics don’t do you justice. This is just one man’s opinion, but the stuff your doing is suprisingly too edgy for me. I must be getting old.

Look, again, I like you guys but I cannot associate the haunt with this. I am sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner, I have been going back and forth on this for about 4 days and I just had to make a choice. This just is not a direction I want to go. I repsect your talent, but frankly your music / videos scare me a bit – there just a little too real.I dunno, either way sorry to do this, I just can’t get behind this.


The YouTube link mentioned in their reply was to the “Ass to Mouth” video featuring MC.Bushpig. It was never intended to be an official video which is why I never claimed copyrights or any video credits. It was built of several already posted autopsy footage from YouTube itself. The posting of this video was merely to release the song “Ass to Mouth” for listing purposes only, but there were some extra visuals thrown in it as well. Any ways after the meeting I gave them a free copy of “Blood Hoarder” to check out. Despite seeing the “Ass to Mouth” video, they claimed my music in general is lyrically too dark and real, but that’s a pretty hypercritical statement when they’re visually and psychically exhibiting the same aspect of horror and brutality in their horror attraction. They even go on to say my music literally scares them so I guess I can say I’m doing something right lol. After realizing all their contradictions in their e-mail, my manager defended my music as it is “Horror” related music entertainment, as they’re also “Horror” related in the visual aspect of entertainment.



I just want to clear up a few concerns within your email, and I’ll address them in the order it was brought up in your reply.

First of all,

The video you found on Kardiac’s YouTube was not meant to be an “official video,” therefore, we never claimed any copyrights or credits from the pictures and video footage used in it. It was a fan-made, thrown together video with pictures from google and autopsy video footage from other YouTube videos that are posted for everyone to see. As mentioned in my first email to you, I mentioned Kardiac was a horror music artist and gave you website links to Unrestrained Sounds as well as Kardiac’s official website–there are also links on those to all of his music streams, videos, and free downloadable content. You had agreed to let us film before looking at our websites where you’d be getting credit in return for us filming at the haunt? With all due respect, you had the links to check out our website, music, and videos before agreeing to let us film.


You’re right, there is a very big difference in between real and fake. Our lyrics aren’t real just as your haunted house isn’t either. They are just 2 different forms of entertainment. All of the horror genre is based off of shock value and entertainment, otherwise, there would be no other way to scare people. We both have our ways of entertainment–yours is visually, with your haunt–ours is lyrically, with our music. Either way, both are for entertainment purposes only. For instance, your haunt is full of dead, bloody bodies, bloodied walls, hanging torsos, and malicious weapons. Kardiac’s music merely describes those same things lyrically, which is typically harder to do because you have to vividly describe what you’re seeing without actually seeing it. Just as ending your haunted house with 2 different chainsaw wielding actors–it’s for the shock value. Our forms of entertainment are edgy, but in their own ways. Overall, both are built for shock value and entertainment as what the horror genre is made for.


I had first emailed you on October 17th. I do realize you were busy at the time; however, we had our meeting on November 10th–almost 3 weeks ago. I know Corey had also texted you to confirm the filming date, and you still gave the green light. He had explained to you that we would be ordering some equipment for the shoot. Since then, we have bought countless things in order to get the best video quality for our filming, which includes, buying a new HD digital camera valued at a few hundred dollars just for this video, non-refundable. So, not only losing out on a location to film, we’ve also lost out on money. We would have never went out of our way to buy these things, but we wanted the best quality possible to ensure the details of the haunt and video came out in the highest definition.

Honestly, it was very unprofessional on your behalf to wait so long to ultimately deny our filming after countless times of confirming the agreement. If there was any doubt, you should have let us known as soon as possible and keep us on the fence about filming rather than giving us a green light just to eventually go back on your word. Again, before agreement, there were plenty of ways for you to research the music and websites that you would have been associated with. I had mentioned I would give you credit on both websites, and I am extremely surprised you never even took the chance to view either one before agreeing. All in all, to say that you are scared of the music and videos is actually a compliment to us. This means, we are doing our jobs as entertainers in our field. I do believe if someone went through the haunt and were not scared or shocked, it would be a total disappointment and there would be no need to continue doing it.

Nonetheless, thanks for the opportunity to see the haunt and taking your time out to meet with us. I regret that nothing further will happen within this business relationship. I will remove your links from both of our websites to completely withdrawal your association with us.

Thanks anyway,



Overall yet again my music has surprisingly managed to scared off even a business member who has been apart of the horror industry for several years. The bottom line is what’s the point of getting involved with anything horror related if it’s not meant to shock or scare? if nobody get’s that response out of it, then there’s no point of doing it in the first place. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to this but my next music video may come at a later date. This isn’t the first and probably not the last time opportunities will arise and then fold due to the graphic nature of my music, but this is what I love to do and as the great words of Bryan Adams says “[Everything I Do] I Do It For You.” lol

[youtuber youtube=’’]

The 50% OFF sale is only good for another two more days and it’s going to be awhile before these prices ever return. So take advantage of this deal while you still have the chance. Get both Kardiac & Zehl “Blood Hoarder” project and my latest solo album “The Afternoon of Extravagant Delight” for only $5.00 each, includes a FREE!!! signed poster with every order. Ships within one business day of purchase via First Class Priority USPS mail. Also don’t forget for the ladies Kardiac Girly tee’s are only $5.00 ALMOST OUT OF STOCK!




ALBUM: Blood Hoarder [Kardiac & Zehl]

TRACK: Nothing Special Feat.Dj Arkane




I’ve been in a giving mood as of late and you can tell by my 50% OFF sale going on in the store right now make sure you all take advantage of it while it lasts.  PLAY GOD, in a way, is an example of thing’s to come. I feel if I give you all a little something for free time to time, maybe more of you will support and buy stuff. Don’t get me wrong, they’re  a lot of you who do support and for those who do I really appreciate it. I feel, it should be about the music not who you’re down with and who you do tracks with cause on the real… who gives a fuck.  If the music is good then support it. Don’t support somebody just because they did a track with someone you like and then torture yourself later on by listing to it. This music shit is getting way over populated and its time for you as an consumer, to let go of their hands and watch these  mother fuckers drown. Any how PLAY GOD is a new track that I produced myself and did for fun. I wrote it pretty quick and there’s some real foul shit in this song. I’ve been kind of stuck writing just straight fucked up brutal lyrics since Blood Hoarder and all the left over horror hasn’t washed off yet.  Check it out and download it for free on the Unrestrained Sounds [BANDCAMP PAGE]

SONG: Play God






Starting TODAY!!! till the 21st of November, both “Blood Hoarder” & “The Afternoon of Extravagant Delight” will be on sale for only $5.00! + S&H. I don’t do big sales like this all the time so if you haven’t purchased your copy yet of either CD  now is the time to do so. The sale ends midnight of Nov. 21st right before Thanksgiving. Every order will come with a “FREE” signed Blood Hoarder poster “BY ME.” Understand this, you guys are getting a steal out of this deal cause I’m pretty much giving them away for that price. So tell your friends, family, frenemies & enemies to support Kardiac and the Unrestrained movement.



As you all know, Blood Hoarder dropped Oct 26th on Unrestrained Sounds. Truth at contacted Unrestrained about wanting to produce a review for the album. His review is as follows:


I have been listening to this CD all day today and even now for god only knows what time I’m on now I stopped counting after I listened to the album 10 times in a row lol. Normally any CD I review no matter the artist I will listen to it 4 times once when I wake up the day I am going to review it  2 more times after I had my fill of coffee and had a yummy breakfast cooked by my wonderful wife Hey Hey and co owner of UTL INC and the 4th time I will have Hey hey and our son the “Monkey” sit down to listen to the album to see what their reactions are, and for a 5th time as I write the review. So for me to have listened to this album continuously all day long says allot for this album on a personal and professional evaluation for this CD.

Each track is completely dark and morbid with a killer sick beat that have been blended together that this albums has a flow that when you start off from the first track next thing you know the album is over and leaves you wanting more. At the same time as I mention that we do have once complaint which is the total length of the album is only 38 and half minutes long. Besides the lack of time the album is extremely tight and each track flows flawlessly into the next track making it honestly seem like one long song that is telling a very horrid tale from the minds of Kardiac and Zehl. Each of the beats for each song sound beautiful, they are crisp and you can tell care was used when creating and mastering each one. The lyrics and vocals are also done with the same quality of the beats and the mixing of the two to produce each track make them perfect with out any flaws. When listening to any of the tracks you would not think they were the tracks that come from a mid level Underground artist but what you normally would expect coming from artist on the more predominate labels in the Underground Industry like Strange Music and Suburban Noize, NO WAIT the production of this album actually exceeds their standards and is in a class truly of its own for the Underground Industry.

So how did we rate this album well lets look at the scores:

Lyrics /and story line:  4 out of 5

Beats:  5 out of 5

Album Art and Price:  5 out of 5

Overall Rating*:  4.6 out of 5

  *(overall rating is the average of the other ratings)

This album is worth purchasing the digital version from Amazon for $8.99 or the hard copy from the Kardiac Store for $10.00, we highly recommend the hard copy as you get more bang for your dollar than the digital copy.


You can also see Truth’s full post about the album along with pictures of the products that came with his Blood Hoarder order 





Here is that Interview I did with Their website seems to be having some trouble at this time. So I put the whole interview up for you guys to see on my website, sorry for the delay.



1.  When did you realize music was your life’s path?

Answer: Well I started going to a lot of Hardcore/ Metal shows when I was around 12 years old with my older brother Shawn he played in a bunch of different bands. I guess from that, I myself started to play an instrument “Drums.” I played in a few different Hardcore/ Punk bands when I was a teenager, but nothing ever really came of it. So, when I was about 15 years old let’s say 1997/98, that’s when I downloaded my first studio recording program and started out producing beats. My first demo was called “Symptoms of Death”…it was horrible lol. I recorded it onto a cassette tape through a cheap ass computer microphone. What really put the stamp on me pursuing music was when I was driving home after doing a guest appearance on 91.3 WVKR Poughkeepsie NY college radio. That show is well known. Artists like “Cage” have been up there when it was called retard riot radio. We are from the same shit-hole town “Middletown NY”. Anyway, I heard my song, “Death within Sex” get played for the first time on radio, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t bug out. It was big for me at the time. Right then was when I knew for sure this is what I wanted to do.


2. What do you relate to or draw your inspiration from when you are performing and recording?

Answer: Well, when I’m performing I draw off the crowd’s reaction. There have been good times and there have been not so good times, but overall my music is very aggressive. Between that and the crowd, that’s where I get my inspiration from. Now, when recording it’s different. I listen to the emotion of the music and determine from there how to approach the song. Every beat has a different vibe it gives me, so when I’m recording, my songs never sound the same – from voice, to lyrics, for the most part it’s constantly changing.


3. Do you create/produce all your own beats?

Answer: Not all of them, but I do produce my own beats time to time. Recently, I’ve been working on a solo album and so far I have 9 songs completed for it. All the beats are produced by me.


4. Do you write your own lyrics? If you do, what is your motivation behind them?

Answer: Yes, I write all my own lyrics and I have been since I started writing. One thing I will never understand is those people who get ghost writers. Like wtf is the point of that? Is it because they’re lazy? Or are they so fake, and their life sucks so much, they have nothing to write about. My motivation comes from everyday life situations. I make sure to put facts into my music or else what the hell am I talking about. The thing is that my writing changes day by day and the outcome sometimes depends on what kind of mood I’m in. When I write shit about drug abuse, ex girls friends etc, that’s coming from my life’s experiences. The real horrid and fucked up shit comes from a part of my heart I like to name KARDIAC. It’s my way of releasing anger and displaying it in music. For the most part, there’s just a few things I would love to do to some people, but we live in a world with laws and it would suck to live in prison for the rest of my life. So, music is my inspiration to get rid of that feeling before someone gets hurt. I have a select few fair weather fans that are stuck in the past and won’t let go of my old shit. If I sounded the same as I did in 2002, I probably wouldn’t be doing this shit anymore because I would be bored of it. Every artist needs to grow and that’s the only way keep the interest alive. As a “REAL” fan, you’re supposed to grow with them, but not everyone sees it that way I guess. For the fans who support my shit fully, if I feel like doing something that’s not my ordinary style, the ones who keep supporting – those are the ones I keep doing this shit for.


5. How has music helped/hindered your life?

Answer: About 2 years ago, my life was surrounded by nothing but shit. It was a living hell for me because I was going through some real serious fucked up shit. I’m not going to get into details, but I stopped writing and recording for almost 4 years cause of it. When it came time for me to better myself or just wait it out and die, I choose to better myself.  My music was the only thing that got me out of that nightmare. It may sound really corny, but I can honestly say music is one of the main reasons why I’m still here and even doing this interview today.


6. Who are your biggest influences musically and non-musically that shaped you into the artist you are today?

Answer: Damn… Well first off I would say my older brother, Shawn. He always gives me the brutal truth. Even when there are times I do, or don’t want to hear it, I always need to hear it. It’s good to have someone like that around because most of the time people are afraid to tell you their honest opinion. It keeps the ego grounded. I don’t really listen to music to get influences from I actually try to stay away from music when I’m in the process of recording an album. That’s only because I feel it would take some of the originality away from the project. If there was a gun to my head and I had to pick someone, I guess I see myself in a bit of Marilyn Manson. His lyrics are in-depth and sometimes emotionally brutal as are mine – emotion is everything in a song. Give a reason why you’re disemboweling her, don’t just say it – put a little emotion behind it and it will make people pay attention. When I’m writing something gory, I always try to explain the vivid details as graphic and descriptive as possible while keeping away from the cheese factor of it. Sometimes it’s too descriptive where it makes it hard for me to finish the sentence I’m writing. I was compared to Alice Cooper once but I don’t see it.


7. You are an Underground Rap artist, but with its vast numbers of different styles, what sub-genre in the industry do you consider what you perform is?

Answer: Shit… This is kind of a hard one to answer. My music at times has so many different styles to it – to just minimize it to one genre, I would be lying. For the most part, I guess I would call it Horrid Rap, but then again it’s not all dark. I feel “Pigs of New York” is an uplifting song lol. Then, I have some Dub-ish all through “The Afternoon of extravagant Delight”…some of that is not even rap music. If you get a chance, check out my music video “The Nest.” You’ll see what I’m talking about. My genre, I guess, all depends on what kind of mood I’m in that day.


8. What do you consider music to be to you?

Answer: Drugs, My Therapist, My First Love, My First Hate, My Anger, and My Life!


9. What are you plans in the immediate future for you and your music?

Answer: Push my latest release “BLOOD HOARDER” as much as I can, and get Unrestrained Sounds established through all our different services we have to offer. Music Distribution, Graphic/Web Designing, Beat Production and Film.  So far, things are going pretty smooth. My manager/co-owner of Unrestrained Sounds, April Bedan, has been in contact with many different companies/people. We have a lot of things planned within the near future, and the name is getting out there. Things can only get better.


10. Where do you see yourself with your career in the next 5 years?

Answer: Hopefully still alive. Lol. Anything can happen in the next 5 years – the future is undetermined. My goal though, for the next 5 years, is to keep putting out good music, and to expand my name and company to as many people as humanly possible, do a couple tours and even travel overseas to rock some shit. We’ve got the connections, but it’s all about being able to finance everything to make it happen. I guess we’ll see in the next 5 years.


11. If the opportunity arose for you, would you go “mainstream,” and why would you or why would you not do so?

Answer: It all depends…what the contract agreement is for and how many albums and years would I be stuck in it. If I was able to keep doing the music that I do and the contract was right, I probably would. Therefore, I would make Unrestrained Sounds even bigger as a Sub Label. Many people say they’re going to stay underground for the fans until that money is thrown in their face. I, myself don’t want to be stuck owning anyone shit because that’s what usually happens. Some artists can’t afford lawyers, so they don’t read through the loop holes in their contracts and most of the time they end up getting fucked.


12. What do you hope your fans and those who listen to your music get from it?

Answer: A different experience in each and every release that they can relate to with what I’m saying. Maybe some hopeless schmuck with a gun to the head listens to my music and says to him/herself damn I thought I had it bad and then decides – not today. Even more so, I hope they’re satisfied and they get their money’s worth, and become a recurring supporter of my disturbing art.


13. If there was just one thing you had to say or get out to your fans, what would it be?

Answer: Thanks for being just as sick and fucked up in the head as me. You’re the ones who keep me alive. I hope you all get something out of my music…even after I’m dead!

THE END! 10/31/12