Well, it’s no longer a secret as for my next full-length album “Daydreams of Crime Scenes.” Over the last few years, I have been working on many different things, and one of them has been my next solo release. Although I dropped In The Peripheral, and it was a solo album I did with Fangoria, that was rush and you can tell. First, it wasn’t released correctly. There were many things that went wrong with that project, but there were other good things that came from it. One of the good things was creating my first short film I Wish I Could Forget. It did pretty damn well and circled around a few film fests, even willing best special effects in a short film category from the 2016 Fantastically Horrifying Cinema. From that film gave me a new drive for filmography and working on special effects.
So anyway, this time around I wasn’t fucking around when it came to this album and even branched out for the first time in a long time and collaborated with other artists and singers from different bands. To give a few names, Bloodshot, Paul Thorstenson singer of Dissolve, John Robert C singer of The last ten second of life & Jesse Madre a great longtime friend who has who was the singer in my brother’s old band my bitter end and now singing in his own band Tiger Flowers. The final artist to appear on this album is an artist who has just signed with KM Inc. Diskardead. There’s going to be much more to come about Diskardead, but I will save it for its own post.
Now as for production, this time around I have a couple of different producers on this project, so it’s not only my production and only me on the songs. For a time I was in this strange mindstate, I love what I did with Sleep Deprivation but haven’t really loved anything else I released since then. I don’t consider Gifts of Blood to be solo albums, there more like mixtapes to me, only with original production.
To the Point, You all been waiting long enough, and I did my damndest on this album and really hope to deliver you all something with substance to it, giving that same feeling like when I released sleep dep. April and I have shot a lot of footage over the past few years, and I plan to release at least two different music video for Daydreams as well as promotional commercials.
The album cover will be revealed when the release date is set and announced. To fill you in, this album features a few different people with all different backgrounds of music. There have been some changes to the features since I’ve released the last trailer, I will have a new trailer soon and that will let you know everything about this album and who is guest appearing.
If you’re into stories of true crime, and in-depth gory visuals that go along with it, then you will love this album. It has many different styles of production, from dark trap sounding beats, to even some music similar to NIN and Marilyn Manson. The album is a concept story in some ways, comparable to what I did with the album “Sleep Deprivation” only true crime original fictional stories. Music videos and much more to come.
I’m still and always have been, an independent artist. Anything that is pressed comes straight from me. All I can ask is for anyone reading this please spread the word as much as possible and thank you for your continuing support. – KARDIAC!