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I know it’s been a min since I’ve posted about anything in along time, but I hope all of you who have supported me over the years, can understand my absent from music and all social media was a much needed process. I’m not here to dwell on bullshit, I’m here and I’ve been at work nonstop producing and wrapped up Daydreams of Crime Scenes about a month ago, and yes! they’re finally pressed and are set to go. 

I’m coming by today to let everyone know, the original KARDIAC Store is back up with a new url KARDIACMERCH.COM

It is setup via bigcartel, which I’m sure some of you will be happy about, many have gotten used to a formula and I can understand that, so I want everything to be as easy as possible when you go to order merch. Please spread the word and stay connected, you all have waited long enough and they’ll be some major announcements to come within the weeks ahead.

Thanks to everyone who visits the website, and shares the link, from the most humble -KARDIAC!

It was in October 2016, the last thing anyone heard was “A Composition For Decomposition.” Dead silence, and then a few years pass, whimpers begin to surface every so often. Now that the dark month is here, there couldn’t be a better time for “WENT MISSING IN OCTOBER.” This project is decimated with disturbing Compositions & Instrumentals suitable for what’s to come within the months ahead.





There aren’t many interviews out there with myself since I’ve been M.I.A for a while now, but recently I was asked to join the POSSESSED RADIO PODCAST for an interview about the many different projects I’ve released and currently working on. During the interview,  there are two different songs that haven’t been released yet and only been put out through this interview. The first one you will hear that starts off the show is a track from Daydreams of Crime Scenes called “Distress Call.” The second song plays somewhere in the middle which is from “Went Missing In October” entitled “Recovered by Divers.” So check out the episode and find out some stuff that I’ve never talked about before until now. We dive into it all, and put people on to this episode and hear some of the new stuff that’s coming within the months ahead.


If you would like to hear other episodes from Possessed Radio please visit

First off let me start by saying, during my time there it has been the utmost honor to be involved with such an Iconic company in the Horror Genre and it will always be something I’m very proud of. I’m not going to get into to the gritty details about it, I’m just gonna give you my own view of how things went down.  The Former owner gave us 100% freedom with FANGORIA and never turned down an idea we had. I’ve seen April Bedan do some amazing things and has gone out of her way for FANGO, at a time when the company wasn’t at it’s greatest and try her best to overcome some challenges with the least amount of resources.
Some people used it for their own selfish needs, and then shit all over it when it was in some rough situation. It’s funny how now, a new owner is there, and all these people who helped stomp it down to nothing have returned like nothing ever happened. Their true colors were exposed, and they never really gave a damn about FANGORIA unless it was benefiting them. My Point is, that’s who’s running it now, and that’s the kind of people who are behind the scenes. Myself & April really Loved the company, Huge Thanks to Tom, who was the former owner. from the time we got there and things were running fine, up until it’s very worst, standing on its last legs, He was still open to our idea’s even if it meant there was no money to be made off them. 
Now a new owner is in there, and I guess that’s when it all changed one afternoon. Bottom line as it was said, there’s no need for a music label. Now put in mind all the work we’ve put into it. Promoting FM at horror festivals, and collaborating with various different artists and bands from all different genres to help spread the word via the Horde Mixtapes. It felt like all the work and money invested in Fangoria Musick, was a waste. Social Media Pages were Bult just for FM, I really pushed the label as much as I could on my end, Artwork, Promo, Commercials, Digital Magazine Adds, and everything I pushed on my own website and social media pages. Sending many of my followers to go check out and like the facebook page, Youtube & twitter.
They Deleted all my Music Videos that were hosted on their youtube page without any notice. We even reached out to them and asked very politely if they could keep the video’s up as unlisted, therefore we could still share them and all the views won’t be lost. They totally ignored our request and not only took down my videos but everyone’s video that had anything to to with FANGORIA before the new owner.
It’s was just some scumbag shit to do after being there for so long, you would think they show just a little respect. After all, we were the only ones keeping it afloat other than Rob Feldman former web developer. There’s so much more to this story, but I can only give you it from my standpoint. We worked hard pushing FANGORIA and FANGORIA MUSICK, at least they could of done was say thank you, and keep the door open for future opportunities but that will never happen. I take from this experience and new look on how I now do things as far as music etc. KARDIAC Music Inc. has always been my focus to make it something more than a website. I have many goals I still would like to accomplish with KM Inc. and for now on this will be my 100% main focus when it comes to anything.

Finally, we have reached the point of launching the new website with a lot of new content and updates. At this moment we’re looking to bring in some new minds to further push KM Inc. As of right now, we’re hiring anyone who can book shows & tours. Everybody needs to make something from what they contribute, nothing is for FREE. So, If you think you can manage this position, then let’s work together and make this happen. I don’t care what state you’re from, or who it is I perform with, open or close, open mics and too big and small event’s. Compensation details will be worked out over the phone, as well as details but feel free to Email, or message directly on Facebook. We’re open to anything.


For the first time, KM Inc. has made available online a music video that was saved exclusively for the “In The Peripheral” Package deals released in 2015. The album dropped on Fangoria Musick, and since the fall of the label, we’ve re-uploaded videos that were taken down without any notice. One being “The Cleanser” and the other being our first debuted with FANGORIA “The County Road Cover Up.” I would say the “new owner” doesn’t care too much for independent music/ filmmakers, because it’s not only my work, but other peoples material was taken down. It will never be like it once was, and this is the main reason there is no more Fangoria Musick. Now our main focus is KM Inc. and to continue to push the company even further from where we left off. Trying new ways of getting media out, and we’re open to working with other companies small or large and that’s not just for music.
WHEN EVERYTHING CHANGED, what a great title for such a post.
In 2015 we took a ride out to Mansfield Louisiana and was given total access to a great location. We brainstormed right there on the spot where we wanted to go with this video, from beginning to end. The Concept for the video needed to match the song. (A man’s Blackout turns horrible and unsure if someone slipped him drugs or it was something else, but what he recollects and see’s is terrifying sober or inebriated.) It was the great camera control from April Bedan, that helped pull off the shots we needed to set up the Special Effects that are a big part of the video. First time filming in Louisiana, and possibly not the last time. We hope you enjoy the video for what it is. You will not see it anywhere’s else but here, this is exclusively for KM Inc.





Well, it’s no longer a secret as for my next full-length album “Daydreams of Crime Scenes.” Over the last few years, I have been working on many different things, and one of them has been my next solo release. Although I dropped In The Peripheral, and it was a solo album I did with Fangoria, that was rush and you can tell. First, it wasn’t released correctly. There were many things that went wrong with that project, but there were other good things that came from it. One of the good things was creating my first short film I Wish I Could Forget. It did pretty damn well and circled around a few film fests, even willing best special effects in a short film category from the 2016 Fantastically Horrifying Cinema. From that film gave me a new drive for filmography and working on special effects.

So anyway, this time around I wasn’t fucking around when it came to this album and even branched out for the first time in a long time and collaborated with other artists and singers from different bands. To give a few names, Bloodshot, Paul Thorstenson singer of Dissolve, John Robert C singer of The last ten second of life &  Jesse Madre a great longtime friend who has who was the singer in my brother’s old band my bitter end and now singing in his own band Tiger Flowers. The final artist to appear on this album is an artist who has just signed with KM Inc. Diskardead. There’s going to be much more to come about Diskardead, but I will save it for its own post.

Now as for production, this time around I have a couple of different producers on this project, so it’s not only my production and only me on the songs. For a time I was in this strange mindstate, I love what I did with Sleep Deprivation but haven’t really loved anything else I released since then. I don’t consider Gifts of Blood to be solo albums, there more like mixtapes to me, only with original production.

To the Point, You all been waiting long enough, and I did my damndest on this album and really hope to deliver you all something with substance to it, giving that same feeling like when I released sleep dep. April and I have shot a lot of footage over the past few years, and I plan to release at least two different music video for Daydreams as well as promotional commercials.


The album cover will be revealed when the release date is set and announced. To fill you in, this album features a few different people with all different backgrounds of music. There have been some changes to the features since I’ve released the last trailer, I will have a new trailer soon and that will let you know everything about this album and who is guest appearing.


If you’re into stories of true crime, and in-depth gory visuals that go along with it, then you will love this album. It has many different styles of production, from dark trap sounding beats, to even some music similar to NIN and Marilyn Manson. The album is a concept story in some ways, comparable to what I did with the album “Sleep Deprivation” only true crime original fictional stories. Music videos and much more to come.

I’m still and always have been, an independent artist. Anything that is pressed comes straight from me. All I can ask is for anyone reading this please spread the word as much as possible and thank you for your continuing support.  – KARDIAC!


It has arrived! The second addition to The Horde Mixtape, Vol. 2 is now available! Hard copies are being sold at the Fangoria Musick Store and you can pick up the digital release at I have a new song on Vol. 2 along with a track I produced that starts it off. Both Horde mixtapes are the only releases as of now that I’ve dropped new stuff on. Be sure to grab both of them if you haven’t already. As the graphic designer & video editor for most of the label videos, I made a promo video that shows you the lineup of artists on Vol. 2 just like the promo video. You can check out that below along with more news.


Lastly I added Gifts Of Blood Two on my Bandcamp page for $4.99 for those who like digital downloads. I have a bunch of albums on my Bandcamp some albums which haven’t been pressed to hard copy in over 15 years. So check out my Bandcamp.. I’ll be dropping a few singles on there soon.

[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=1695845815 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 tracklist=false]

horde facebook header2

Whats good everyone? Today is the day The Horde Mixtape releases, Presented by FANGORIA Musick! This album has music from all different genres…everything from Punk to Electronic, Horrorcore & more.

I have a solo track on the mixtape called “Love Letters & Dental Records” ft. Jesse Madre. It’s a song from an upcoming album I am working on. Plus, there’s another track from the group project myself & Bloodshot are working on, entitled Bound By Violence. I’ll have more details about the group project album when the time comes. Until then, go purchase The Horde Mixtape Presented by FANGORIA Musick!


TFW Fangoria Musick Flyer small

I’ve updated the look to the website again! Not too much has changed, just the look and feel to it. I wanted to upload the new design cause there’s going to be a lot more updates coming and the site kind of fits the bill with my next upcoming release. More info on that very soon.

In other news, I was actually lucky enough to be able to attend this year’s Texas Frightmare weekend in Dallas-Fort Worth, which is presented by FANGORIA. I will be a guest at the Fangoria booth, alongside April Bedan, who runs Fangoria Musick. I’ll be there to help push some Fangoria Musick merch. So, if you’re in the area, come out and see us! There’s a huge lineup of guests at this event. Several horror legends will be there: Freddy (Robert Englund), Jason (Kane Hodder), George A. Romero, Tom Savini, Michael Myers (Warlock), Candyman (Tony Todd) & MORE. For more info & tickets visit: